Jonah Eldridge
Major: Secondary Math Education 24'
Hometown: Spirit Lake, Iowa
The chapter president is responsible for leading his brothers and managing the operations of the chapter. He is the face of the Fraternity to the chapter, the Greek community and the university.
Jake Herbold
Major: Elementary Education '24
Hometown: Newton, Iowa
The Vice President of Programming is responsible for the planning and execution of the chapter’s events and functions. He is the head of the programming committee and works to ensure his brothers have a balanced, values-based experience.
Clayton Oswald
Major: Marketing and Supply Chain Management 25'
Hometown: Waverly, Iowa
The Vice President of Finance is the chapter’s chief financial officer. He is entrusted with managing the chapter’s budget and properly allocating financial resources.
Carson Burright
Major: History Education '24
Minor: Special Education
Hometown: Des Moines, Iowa
The Vice President of Member Development oversees the development experience of each brother providing support and structure during a crucial part of their lives. Managing the chapter’s membership experience by implementing the Balanced Man Program is the keystone of the role, providing a positive fraternal experience and ensuring strong chapter leadership and operations. The vice president of member development ensures that our Founder’s vision lives on day in, day out, at every one of our chapters.
Eric Schutt
Major: Theater Performance and Communication-Theater Education 24'
Hometown: Eddyville, Iowa
The Vice President of Recruitment drives the quantity and quality of a chapter’s membership. By successfully recruiting the best men on campus, he ensures a great fraternity experience for his brothers and the long-term success of his chapter.
Will Alexander
Major: Accounting and Finance '25
Minor: Economics
Hometown: Waverly, Iowa
The Vice President of Communications is the chapter’s information officer, lead storyteller, and the primary protector of the chapter’s brand as well as the Grand Chapter’s brand. By wielding tools like chapter sites and social media, this position can help shape the perception of the chapter and put its brand in a position to thrive on campus.
Luke Palandench
Major: Elementary Education
Hometown: Spencer, Iowa
The Chaplain is bestowed with the care and guard of the Fraternity’s Ritual. He also leads the judicial branch of the chapter. In doing so, he is responsible for holding all members accountable to the principles of Virtue, Diligence and Brotherly Love, as well as the other standards of membership. Additionally, the chaplain plays a key role in recognizing and reinforcing the positive behaviors and actions of his brothers.
Nate Cronk
Major: Computer Science 24'
Hometown: Urbandale, Iowa
The Balanced Man Scholarship (BMS) Director is responsible for developing the scholarship application, conducting interviews of worthy candidates, and planning and executing our BMS Finalist awards banquet. His duty is to choose the most worthy applicant who embodies our core principles in an effort to become a balanced man.
Mark Hari
Major: Exercise and Movement Science 25'
Hometown: Aurora, Illinois
The Vice President of the SLC (SigEp Learning Community) is responsible for the organization of programming with the goal of developing members intellectually, academically, and professionally.