More than half of the Sigma Phi Epsilon chapter at the University of Northern Iowa along with three alumni traveled to Chicago, IL to attend the 2019 Carlson Leadership Academy over the weekend. Each year, Carlson provides leadership training sessions to over 2,600 SigEp undergraduates across the country, allowing them to better themselves and their chapter. Each session is specialized towards specific positions designed for current executive board members as well as brothers aspiring to gain leadership roles during their time in SigEp.
Our chapter was presented with multiple awards over the weekend, honoring both individual members along with the Iowa Theta chapter as a whole. Senior brother Ben Hirdler was awarded the J. Edward Zollinger Outstanding Senior Award, a very prestigious accolade given to the top senior members of Sigma Phi Epsilon. Junior Jacob Levang was one of only five regional brothers to be selected for the Tragos Quest to Greece, a weeklong trip in June intended to teach the highest-achieving SigEps the roots of our fraternity’s values. Overall, our chapter was given an Excelsior Award for Standards and Accountability, as well as a Talent Power Award for the excellence of our members.
Our brothers who attended Carlson came away with enhanced leadership skills, brotherhood bonding and a greater idea of what it means to be a SigEp. To help fund future leadership conferences like Carlson, visit our donation page here.